No Exemptions

A while ago my husband received a summons for jury duty. For the first time in his life, he qualified for an exemption. He could be excused from jury service simply by affirming: "I am over seventy years of age and do not wish to serve." What a convenient way out! Sometimes in my weaker moments I wish for a similar old-age exemption from trials of faith. Wouldn't it be pleasant if we could be excused from afflictions simply by affirming, "I'm too old for this!" Instead, we face some of life's toughest trials when we are elderly--chronic pain; loss of a spouse; reduced mental acuity; limited mobility; minimized living quarters. In sovereign wisdom, God allows his aged believers to encounter strong tests of faith. Consider what happens to Daniel. The old statesman is in his eighties when King Darius decrees that everyone must pray only to the king. Death by lions' jaws awaits anyone who disobeys. What does aging Daniel do? He keeps on w...