How Cedars and Palms Sprouted

Once upon a time, my hubby and I retired to the land of sunshine and palm trees.
We joined a retirement community that offers independent homes, garden apartments, assisted living facilities, and skilled nursing care. On Sundays, you’ll find us gladly worshiping at the on-campus chapel which serves our residents.  

How I love this congregation! We range in age from late-sixties (the youngsters) to very late nineties (the veterans), with an average age of 86.

I began writing meditations for this group several years ago. The devotionals appear regularly in large print in our church bulletin.

Folks soon began mailing the meditations to friends and family members hither and yon. Gradually the idea of a blogsite sprouted. The goal is for folks in their 70s, 80s and 90s to easily access copies of the devotionals, as desired.
The site is entitled “Cedars and Palms” to reflect the heart-lifting truth of Psalm 92:12-15. Reading these verses, I'm delighted to discover that old age is affirmed as a time for growth, flourishing, fruitfulness and bold witness.

The devotionals are tightly tied to Scripture, encouraging further reflection on your own. I love how God’s word is alive and powerful, digging deeply into the issues and concerns of those of us of advanced years. I hope these meditations illustrate that reality.

New meditations will appear on the site regularly. Your comments are most welcome, though personal responses from the author may be limited. Feel free to forward meditations to your friends.  
Blessings as we adventure together,
Marion Speicher Brown



  1. How do I get this blog sent to my email or share it on my Facebook?

  2. Hi Bonnie. You can share a post to Facebook (or email it) by clicking on the "sideways V" at the top right of a blog piece. Hope that helps!


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