I was in kindergarten when envy first grabbed me. Every day, my best friend and I opened lunch boxes with food prepared by our mothers. We each received a sandwich, veggie sticks and fruit. All was well until Ginny’s mother began adding a Tootsie Roll™ candy to her lunch. Day after day she received a delicious chewy treat. Soon I grew discontent with my own lunch. My mother did not believe in giving me candy at lunchtime. I lost my happy spirit. Generosity would have said: “Ginny gets candy every day, and I’m glad for her.” Instead I grumbled to myself, “Ginny has something I don’t have, and I need it.” Lunchtime was spoiled for me. Envy won. We smile at the foolishness, but we understand the feeling. The tendency to compare our lot with others never seems to disappear. We look in others’ “lunch boxes” and find our own lives lacking. Even at advanced age, it’s easy to wish we had what others have—energy to serve, freedom from chronic pain, family close by, ample fu...
Just discovered your blog -- delighted you have these online and available to share! -cb