Mirror, Mirror in the Word

The bathroom mirror is my friend even when it scares me. It gave me a fright this morning as I surveyed the night’s damage to my face: puffy eyes, hair sticking out like porcupine quills, leftover mascara stuck to my cheek. So, I begin the morning repair work: hydrate the face, comb the hair, apply some makeup. Before long the damage is reduced. I can face the day presentably. Thank you, honest mirror! The Bible too is an honest mirror. It shows us ourselves. Sometimes the picture isn’t pretty; sometimes it’s downright scary. We read God’s Word and start to realize we are impatient, or gossipy, or judgmental. There is repair work to be done! At this point, we can close our Bibles and walk away unchanged. But how foolish to do so! James reminds us that seeing ourselves in God’s Word is ju...